Here you will find information and templates for preparing the expenditure report for your inm-funded project and a guideline for drawing up a fee contract.
If your project is funded by inm, you are obliged to submit an expenditure report in due time after the completion of your project. An expenditure report represents the course of the project and proves that the funds received were used as planned (in accordance with the most recently approved financial budget).
Since inm is obliged to check 100% of the expenditures, complete receipts and bank statements must always be submitted as part of the expenditure report.
Expenditure Report
An expenditure report includes:
- (Download pdf) Sachbericht und Evaluationsbogen
- (Download xls) Zahlenmäßigen Nachweis und Belegliste
The numerical evidence (comparison of target/actual expenditure) is based on the most recently submitted financial budget approved by inm. - Receipts: all fee contracts, invoices, receipts and travel tickets in original with corresponding bank statements are to be sorted in the order of the receipts list and sent by post to inm:
initiative neue musik berlin e.V.
Littenstr. 10
10179 Berlin - If applicable, include supporting documentation such as press clippings, programme booklets, flyers, etc.
- We strongly recommend that applicants make copies of all documents before submitting the originals.
1. A fee contract must include:
- Date
- Contract number
- Name and address of the organiser
- Name and address of the artist
- Tax number and respective tax office of the artist
- Date and location of the event
- Description of service
- Amount of the agreed fee, incl. statutory VAT or information on exemption
2. An invoice from the artist for their service must include:
- Name and address of the artist
- Date
- Serial invoice number
- Reference to fee contract (via contract number or date)
- Tax number and the respective tax office of the artist
- Description of service
If VAT is required:
- Statement of the fee amount plus statutory VAT at the respective rate of 7% or 19%
- the VAT must be stated separately
If VAT is exempted, one of the following passages must be present:
- Exempt from VAT pursuant to § 19, paragraph 1 UStG (small business regulation)
- Exempt from VAT pursuant to § 4, paragraph 20 UStG
- (Download pdf) Vorlage Sach- und Evaluationsbericht
- (Download xls) Vorlage Zahlenmässiger Nachweis und Belegliste