The jury is elected by the membership for two years at a time and decides on the allocation of inm project funds. Jury members can, but do not have to be members of inm.
Jury 2024 & 2025
elected on the 25th of September 2023
Malte Giesen
Ali Gorji
Eloain Lovis Hübner
Rainer Rubbert
Biliana Voutchkova
Kerstin Wiehe und
Nina Ermlich (inm Chairwoman, consultant/2024)
to be elected (inm Chairwoman/Chairman, consultant/2025)
Jury 2022 & 2023
elected on the 6th of September 2021
Andreas Engström
Patrick Klingenschmitt
Natalia Pschenitschnikowa
Rainer Rubbert
Sabine Vogel
Antje Vowinckel und
Nina Ermlich (inm Chairwoman, consultant)
Jury 2019/2021
elected on the 4th of September 2019
Anna Clementi
Andreas Engström
Katja Heldt
Carsten Stabenow
Sabine Vogel
Kerstin Wiehe with
Claudia van Hasselt (Chairwoman, inm-Board)
Jury 2017 / 2019
elected on the 13th of September 2017
Anna Clementi
Claudia van Hasselt
Eres Holz
Andrea Neumann
Sergej Newski
Samir Odeh-Tamimi
Kerstin Wiehe