
Scope of Funding

inm's Jury decides on the distribution of the funding money for chosen projects available in a specific year. Although exceptions can be made, it is recommended that a maximum of around 20,000 euros per project should not be exceeded.


In principle, a project can be funded by more than one institution (e.g. HKF, district offices or Musikfonds). However, some public funding programmes are not compatible with inm funding. This generally applies to all state funds from the State of Berlin, such as Spartenoffene Förderung. If in doubt, please contact us for clarification before you create your application.

Approval of Costs

The following costs are approved:

  • Rehearsal periods for artists to develop and rehearse a programme/repertoire as part of the conception of a project, the aim of which is a public presentation
  • Project-related composition fees
  • Production or manufacture of physical audio or video, if it is necessary for the realisation of the project and if there is no commercial exploitation of the media
  • All event costs incurred in connection with the project, such as: advertising costs (design, production and distribution of posters, flyers, programmes, tickets or other advertising materials)
  • Travel costs to Berlin and accommodation costs in Berlin in line with the Federal Travel Costs Act
  • Technical costs, rent (rooms, instruments, equipment, sheet music, etc.), GEMA fees and artists' social security contributions (KSK) in accordance with the artistic fees, tax deduction for persons with limited tax liability (»foreigner tax«)

Not approved are the costs of:

  • Rent for offices rented beyond the project period
  • Basic fees for fax, telephone, internet and account management, as well as magazine subscriptions
  • Insurance fees
  • Representation and hospitality costs
  • Costs for the use of taxis will only be recognised in exceptional cases that are justified and documented in writing (the guidelines of the current fact sheet on the reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs apply)
  • The production or release of a standalone CD

Tips on Financial Budget

The use of the financial budget template provided by inm in the online form is mandatory. Please ensure that the financial budget is coherent and plausible. A detailed breakdown of income and expenditure facilitates the evaluation of the application.

  • Use only the form set up in the application system. 
  • To prepare your application, we recommend using the outline in the Guide to Financial Budget.
  • Expenditure should be economical, but also reasonable. 
  • The number and remuneration of rehearsals and performances for each participant should be stated transparently.
  • Unreasonably low cost rates do not increase the chance of funding.
  • One's own funds are not required. However, if own funds are indicated, they should already be secured, because inm funding only starts when the indicated own funds have been used up.
  • Income, e.g. from admission fees, must be included in the financial budget. Be as realistic as possible in your estimate, because here, too, the inm funding only begins once your own and other funds have been used up.
  • Therefore, if the total income after completion of the project is higher than planned, it will be offset against the funding, i.e. the funding will be reduced accordingly. This does not change even if you had an increase in expenditure at the same time, as the increase of expenditure is not provided for as a matter of principle. It is therefore not advantageous if the income is calculated too narrowly.
  • The financial budget may only contain project-related expenditures.